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F-1000 Mud Pump

 时间:2012/07/02    作者:WanSheng    人气: 


Type horizontal 3-cylinder single acting piston pump Gear Type Herringbone gear
Rated inpute power(KW/HP) 738/1000 Gear ratio 4.207:1
Rated stroke (stroke/min) 140 Lubrication Forced and flashing
Stroke length(mm/in) 254/10" Valve cavity API-6#
connection dimension of Suction side 12"(305mm) connection dimension of Discharge side 5"Flange 5000psi
The weight of main machin(kg/pound) 18790/41425 Profile dimensions(L×W×H)

mm 4210×2260.6×1778

Inch 163 2/8"×89"×70"

Stroke/Min Dia. of liner(mm) Φ170 Φ160 Φ150 Φ140 Φ130 Φ20 Φ110
Rated pressure 16.6(2410) 18.8(2725) 21.4(3100) 25.5(3555) 28.4(4125) 33.4(4840) 34.5(5000)
Rated power Displacement(L/S) (GPM)
150 799 1071 43.24(685) 38.30(607) 33.66(533) 29.33(465) 25.29(401) 21.55(341) 18.10(287)
140 746 1000 40.36(639) 35.75(566) 31.42(498) 27.37(434) 23.60(374) 20.11(318) 16.90(268)
130 692 929 37.47(594) 33.20(526) 29.13(462) 25.42(403) 21.92(347) 18.67(296) 15.69(248)
120 639 875 34.59(548) 30.64(485) 26.93(427) 23.46(372) 20.23(320) 17.24(273) 14.48(229)
110 586 786 31.71(502) 28.09(445) 24.93(391) 21.51(341) 18.54(294) 15.80(250) 13.28(210)
100 533 714 28.83(457) 25.53(404) 22.44(355) 19.55(310) 16.86(267) 14.36(227) 12.07(191)
1     0.2883(4.569) 0.2553(4.047) 0.2244(3.557) 0.1955(3.099) 0.1618(2.672) 0.1436(2.277) 0.1207(1.913)


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